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Remote  Monitoring  System
Remote Monitoring System
Monitoring and Control plays a vital role in every manufacturing and process sectors. The Remote Monitoring System provides the communication interface for equipment which are located in remote and inaccessible locations. It provides us the control and visibility for all unattended equipment which are to be monitored continuously. 

The Remote Monitoring System is designed to monitor and control the parameters of equipment under surveillance. It uses GSM as the communication media between the RMS and the control station. The RMS is equipped  with dual redundant GPRS Modems to prevent any loss of data transmission. The control station has a Graphical User Interface to monitor all the required parameters of the equipment in the real time. The GUI has the provision to Add or to Modify one location or multiple locations globally. The real time data can be time stamped using the inbuilt GPS. The data can be directly uploaded to a website also from the RMS, if they are to be monitored from any location globally.


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